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What benefits do not have a means test?

Means-tested benefits include many government assistance and state and federal welfare programs that measure a family's income against the federal poverty line. Universal or unconditional benefits, such as public schools, Medicare, and social security retirement income do not feature a means test.

What is meant by means-tested benefits?

In essence, if you have the means or ability to pay for something on your own, you won't be given free assistance in paying for it. Means-tested benefits can be contrasted with universal, or unconditional, benefits, which are given to everybody regardless of economic position or income.

What does “means tested” mean?

If you follow politics you might have noticed the phrase “means tested.” It’s used to describe certain government programs and benefits, but what does it mean? The short answer is that “means tested” programs are only available to those whose incomes (a.k.a “means”) are judged sufficiently low.

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